
sumba island intro

This virtual exhibition was part of a public engagement project to raise awareness and highlight the burden of skin diseases in eastern Indonesia, in particular leprosy.

The project was initiated by Oxford University Clinical Research Unit Indonesia, in collaboration with Gadjah Mada University and Sumba Foundation
in East Nusa Tenggara province, Indonesia.

Photographs were taken by Yoppy Pieter, who is an Indonesian artistic photographer. The text and photo captions were written by Yoppy Pieter and Marlous Grijsen. Marlous Grijsen is a dermatologist and post-doc research fellow at OUCRU Indonesia and has a special interest in neglected tropical skin diseases.

This project is financially supported by the Public and Community Engagement at the Wellcome Trust Africa Asia Vietnam Programme
and the International League of Dermatological Societies (DermLink).

We wish to thank all persons who were involved in this exhibition, especially the persons who are affected by leprosy and were willing to share their personal stories with us. For privacy reasons, we did not use their actual names. All individuals provided written informed consent for their pictures to be presented in this online exhibition.

We thank Sumba Foundation and the health care workers for their hard work, devotion, and continued support throughout this project.

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All images appearing on this website are the property of OUCRU Indonesia protected under Indonesian and International Copyright laws. Duplication, adaptation, distribution, display or any form of commercialization of this material requires the prior written consent of OUCRU Indonesia. Copyright © 2022 by Yoppy Pieter.

Web Developed by : Adrian Purwadinata | Web Production : Digital Marketing Jogja
